Terms of Service

This Agreement is a public offer (offer) in accordance with the provisions of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) for individuals. By accepting this Agreement, you understand and agree to all the terms and conditions set forth in it.
Acceptance of this Agreement means your registration actions on the site https://witchesameli.ru/main and its subdomains in the form of filling out all the forms required by the Service, ticking the checkbox in the box "I agree to the processing of my personal data and accept the terms of the Public Offer » and verification (confirmation) of registration by clicking on the link sent to the e-mail address you specified.

Please do not accept this Agreement if you do not agree to the following terms and conditions.
1. The Service is a technical solution for organizing access to its content for Users who have passed the registration procedure. The user is responsible for the inconsistency of the information specified by him during registration and is aware of the entire risk of adverse consequences associated with its incorrect indication. The Service does not verify the accuracy of the data provided by the User, except when verification of such information is necessary for the Service to fulfill its obligations to the User. The User is responsible for all objects of intellectual property posted by him on the Service independently (photos, pictures, drawings, articles, logos, other objects that are granted legal protection by virtue of the current legislation of the Russian Federation).
2. The Service has the right to send advertising and informational messages to Users registered on the Service (send messages to the Users' accounts, to their mobile phones indicated as contacts, as well as their email addresses) about the operation of the Service, about its promotions and other opportunities, press releases, reviews and other informational notices directly or indirectly related to the operation of the Service. By accepting this Agreement, the User agrees to receive the mailing specified in this clause.
3. The User does not have any right to copy any information posted on the Service that is available to him both before and after the registration procedure.
4. Audiovisual works posted on the Service are intellectual property objects, the exclusive rights to which belong to the Service Owner. The User is granted a non-exclusive right to use Audiovisual works only by viewing them using the Service (on the Site) and using the functionality of social networks through the official account - @amelisoul and others specified by the Service Owner.
Any other use of the Audiovisual Works is prohibited.
5. The User is prohibited from copying the materials of other Users and performing any other actions that directly or indirectly infringe the rights and interests of the Service Administration, Teachers and third parties. Upon detection of violations by the User specified in this clause, the Service Administration has the right to block the User Account, and, depending on the violation, file a claim with the User or go to court to protect their rights and legitimate interests.
6. By accepting this Agreement, the User gives full and unconditional consent to the use of the Materials by the Service: photographs, images, texts, drawings, plans, sketches, and other objects, including User Works, as they are defined in the "Terms and Definitions" section, which are uploaded by the User to the Service and which are used by the Service on the terms established by this Agreement. Simultaneously with acceptance, the User provides a guarantee that the placement of the Materials and their subsequent use does not violate the rights and interests of third parties.

1. Terms and definitions
1.1. Service Administration - individuals who directly or indirectly manage and control the activities of the Service, are responsible for the volume and procedure for obtaining services available on the Service by Users and perform the actions specified in this clause on behalf of the Service Owner.
1.2. Account - the User's personal space on the Service, which is formed as a result of the User's registration on the Site
1.3. The actual cost of the Project services is the amount of money indicated on the Website or in the official account on social networks @amelisoul and others specified by the Service Owner, which is relevant from the date of its actual publication on the Service until the Service Administration publishes a new cost of services. In the event of a conflict between the information on the cost of the Project's services posted on the Website and in the official @amelisoul account, the information posted in the @amelisoul official account takes precedence.
1.4. An audiovisual work is a recording of webinars, live broadcasts, practices and other messages from the Teachers and the Administration of the Service.
1.5. Free Access - User's access to the Course (Courses) without payment. The Service Administration independently determines the content of the Free Access, and the User is not entitled to make any claims to the Service regarding the content of the Course available on a Free basis.
1.6. The owner of the Service is an individual entrepreneur Ivlieva Yulia Andreevna TIN 504308652553 OGRNIP 318507400013630, email opi1.ivlieva@gmail.com.
1.7. Information services (Services) - services for providing the User with limited access to the Service in accordance with the terms of this Offer, as well as for advising the User on the procedure for using the specified software and hardware objects.
1.8. Course — an educational Audiovisual work with a recording of methods for achieving certain personal characteristics listed in the Course Program. In the context of this Agreement, the term "Course" in the singular will also have the meaning of the plural, depending on how many Courses (one or more) are actually purchased by the User. The course can also be used by subscribing to the corresponding course, while such a course may be called a Club on the Site.
1.9. Personal data - personal data of the User, which is available only to the Administration of the Service and not available to its Visitors. Personal personal data are: the User's e-mail address, his contact phone number and address of the place of residence (registration).
1.10. Online session - group or individual online meetings with the Owner of the Service or the Teacher, taking place on the Zoom platform or other online learning platform.
1.11. User - an individual, a user of the global Internet.
1.12. Instructor - an individual or an individual entrepreneur acting as a person teaching Users in the Course Program.
1.13. The Course Program is a set of Audiovisual works, including webinars, online meetings, group sessions, live broadcasts, masterminds, aimed at achieving certain personal characteristics. The course program is posted on the Website. Access to the Program of each Course is made by Users through Taplink, the link to which is placed in the profile header of the official account on social networks - @amelisoul
1.14. Public data - personal data of the User, published by the User himself at his personal will, which is available to all Users. Such personal data can be: last name, first name, patronymic, city of residence, age, links to personal pages on social networks (Odnoklassniki, VKontakte and others). The Administration of the Service, in order to avoid any misunderstanding, draws attention to the inadmissibility of accepting this Agreement if the User does not agree that the personal data specified by him will be available to third parties. The acceptance of this Agreement will be the full and unconditional declaration of the will of the User for the public availability of the specified data, after which the Service has the right to process such data in accordance with Federal Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 "On Personal Data" ) for the purposes of this Agreement.
1.15. Website - https://witchesameli.ru/main and its subdomains
1.16. Service — a software-interactive complex located at https://witchesameli.ru/main and its subdomains, available to Users on a paid basis, the main direction of which is to provide Users with access to educational Audiovisual works.
1.17 Account - a login and password that are created by the User independently during registration and which are used by him later to log into his Account on the Service.
1.18. This Agreement may use other terms not defined in this section. The interpretation of such terms will be carried out in accordance with the meaning of the Agreement, as well as the legislation of the Russian Federation. In the absence of an unambiguous interpretation of the term in the text of the Agreement and in the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the Parties will be guided by the interpretation of the term that has developed on the Internet and in business practice. This Agreement includes the terms of the user agreement.

2. Subject of the Agreement. Course Procedure
2.1. The subject of this Agreement is the distance learning of Users on a paid or free basis, including, but not limited to, providing access to the Course, as defined in the Agreement, upon receipt of which, the User learns for the first time and / or supplements his previously acquired knowledge in the field of self-knowledge and personal growth, including through methods for achieving certain personal characteristics, increasing the level and / or quality of life.
2.2. The Service offers any User the opportunity to select one or more Courses in accordance with the declared subject of the Course and the requirements for its access.
2.3. Before viewing the Course, the User always has access to information about the Course of the following content: information about the content of the Course; start date and end date of the course. The User agrees that the start date of the Course can be changed to a later date, in which case the end date of the Course will be increased in proportion to the actual number of days the start date is postponed. These changes in terms are related to unforeseen circumstances, including the Instructor's illness, the Instructor's business trip, his unforeseen family circumstances, technical problems of the Site or social networks.
2.4. Access to the Course or Online Session is provided by sending the User an active hyperlink, which is sent to his email address specified during registration, after receiving payment from the User.
2.5. Access to the lessons included in the Course Program opens on the day set by the Course Program. Access to Audiovisual materials, Telegram channel and chat is provided for the period set by the Course Program.
2.6 Passing the Course does not imply that the User will receive a certificate or other document after the end of the Course.
2.7. Passing the Course does not guarantee the achievement of personal characteristics indicated in the course topic and an increase in the standard of living - it depends only on the desire, abilities, involvement of the User and willingness to follow the recommendations.
2.8. When completing the Course, the User independently decides how he will dispose of the information received, and is also responsible for his mental and emotional state. If the User understands that the course violates his psychological state, causes negative uncontrollable feelings and emotions, as well as in other similar situations, he is obliged to interrupt the course and, if necessary, seek professional mental or psychological help.
2.9 The audiovisual works presented in the Courses are objects of intellectual property in accordance with Part IV of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the exclusive rights to which belong to the Owner of the Service. The Service Owner grants the User a non-exclusive right to use Audiovisual Works only by viewing using the Service.
2.10 Copying, distribution and other use of Audiovisual works is not allowed and is a violation of the exclusive rights of the Service Owner. In the event of a violation, the Service Owner has the right to apply to the court to hold the User liable in accordance with Article 1301 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (in particular, to recover compensation in the amount of up to 5 million rubles).
2.11 In case of full or partial cancellation of the Course paid by the User, at the initiative of the Service Administration, the User has the right to request a refund in proportion to the actually used access to Audiovisual works within the Course, or, instead of a refund, redirect the unused balance of funds to pay for another course.
2.12. The return of funds previously paid by the User, in accordance with the conditions set forth in this Agreement, is made in the same way as their payment.

3. Payment for the services of the Service and their cost
3.1. The Services of the Service are subject to payment by means of payment systems, information about which is available to the User on the Service.
3.2. After selecting a paid Course in the User Account, the User is redirected to the payment system website, where the User makes the payment. Payment can be one-time, including by providing installments, if it is provided for by the relevant tariff, or by subscribing. When choosing a payment method by subscription, the User leaves his bank card details and agrees that the subscription will be automatic by debiting the monthly amount indicated on the Site for the corresponding subscription.
3.3. The course program may provide for the possibility of partial payment (the button "Go to partial payment" is located on the payment page). In this case, the User pays half the amount and gets access to the Course until a certain date specified in the Course Program. The second part of the amount is paid by the User no later than this date, otherwise access to the Course is terminated.
3.4. For all financial matters, interaction with the Administration of the Service is carried out by e-mail address: opi1.ivlieva@gmail.com.
3.5. If the User chose the Course, paid for it, but subsequently decided to refuse the Training and return the payment, he is obliged to notify the Administration of the Service no later than the start date of the Course Program and before direct access to the Course materials. If you apply for a refund later than the start date of the Course or after direct access to the Course materials, the Administration has the right to refuse a refund. The User may unsubscribe from the corresponding Course, when choosing such a payment method, if he sent a resignation letter no later than the start date of the next month of the subscription. In case of debiting funds for the current month, the payment is not refundable, and the service is considered provided for the corresponding month of the subscription to the Course.
3.6. If the User paid for participation in the Online Session, but decided to refuse to participate in it, he is obliged to immediately notify the Administration of the Service about this. If you apply for a refund later than 48 hours before the start of the Online session, the Administration has the right to refuse to refund the payment.
3.7. The date of the notification specified in clauses 3.5 and 3.6. of this Agreement, the Parties agreed to consider the day of its actual receipt by the Service to the email address opi1.ivlieva@gmail.com.
3.8. All refunds to the User, which will be made in agreement with the Administration of the Service, are always transferred minus the commissions of payment systems through which the User paid for a particular Course, as well as minus other costs associated with crediting funds in favor of the Service.

4. Feedback system
4.1. Throughout the period of access to the Course paid by the User, the User is given the opportunity to communicate with the Course Instructor via a Telegram chat, a link to which is sent to the User's email address, after paying for the Course or Online session.
4.2. The Teacher's response time is no more than 24 (twenty-four) hours from the day the Teacher receives the message.
4.3. The teacher reserves the right to leave the message unanswered if:
• The teacher believes that the question was asked by the User not on the topic of the Course;
• the message does not contain an attachment referred to by the User;
• the message contains profanity or other offensive sentences;
• the message does not contain a question, or it is precisely determined by its text that there is no need to answer the message.
4.4. Users can communicate with each other via Telegram group chat, Zoom group sessions, and during webinars and live broadcasts.
4.5. Any illegal communication of the User on the Service, regardless of whether it was directed to the Teacher, other Users or the Service Administration, gives the Service Administration the right to block the User Account and apply other measures of responsibility in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. In the context of this section, any insults, threats, bullying, slander and similar expression of the User's negative attitude towards other users of the Service, the Teacher and his Administration are considered to be illegal communication in the context of this section. Blocking the User Account for the specified reasons gives the Service Administration the right not to return the funds paid by the violator for training on the Service.
5. Final provisions
5.1. This Agreement is valid indefinitely.
5.2. All disputes and disagreements under this Agreement are resolved through the exchange of electronic messages between the User and the Service.
5.3. If the relevant judicial authority finds that any provision of this Agreement is invalid, such provision is automatically excluded from its text, which does not invalidate other provisions of the Agreement, but does not cancel the Service's obligation to notify the Users about this and, if necessary, replace the invalid provision with a valid one.
5.4. On controversial issues, the Parties have agreed on a procedure for pre-trial dispute resolution, according to which the User's claim to the Service must be notarized (the signature of the person who signed the claim must be notarized) and sent in the form of a scanned copy to the email address opi1.ivlieva@gmail.com with indicating in the subject of the letter "Controversial issue". In the absence of an agreement on the disputed issue within 35 (thirty-five) days from the date of receipt of the claim by the Service or the claim by the User, the interested party has the right to go to court.
5.5. The parties have agreed on contractual jurisdiction - at the location of the Service Owner.
5.6. The Service is not responsible for failures that occur in telecommunications and energy networks; actions of malicious programs that caused the termination or suspension of the Internet, both in general and in individual network segments involved in the execution of this Agreement, for illegal actions of third parties aimed at unauthorized access and (or) disabling the Service; suspension of the Service due to natural disasters, fires and other unforeseen circumstances (force majeure).
5.7. This Agreement can be changed at any time, in connection with which the User is obliged to check the relevance of the text of this Agreement on a weekly basis and carefully read all changes published by the Administration of the Service. The Service Administration will take all necessary measures to notify the Users in advance of changes in the text of this Agreement, in particular, by sending informational messages to the email addresses specified during registration. However, the obligation of the User to regularly review this Agreement is a priority, and the User cannot make claims to the Administration of the Service about his disagreement with the changes on the grounds of non-receipt of the relevant notification.

6. Details of the Service Owner

Sale proprietor Ivlieva Yulia Andreevna
TIN: 504308652553
PSRN: 318507400013630
Legal address: Palliser House second floor, Palliser road London
Greater London
United Kingdom W14 9EV
Settlement account 40802810500001186633
Bank BIC 044525974
Bank correspondent account 30101810145250000974

E-mail opi1.ivlieva@gmail.com